Unburden your HR team with the process of automated recruitment

Dec 03, 2018

Unburden your HR team with the process of automated recruitment

Unburden Your HR Team With Automated Recruitment Software

In today’s digital world, where most manual processes are being automated, it comes as no surprise that automation has also found inroads into the HR recruitment process too. The orthodox method of recruiting required a large number of HR personnel to be actively engaged in the process. This consumed a lot of time and most often the gap in communication only prolonged the process further. With the need to recruit fresh talent within quick timelines, rose the need to automate certain recruitment processes that could help achieve faster recruitment targets.

Automation is critical when it comes to time and cost-efficiency in HR. The average recruitment process will take about 23 days and will involve:

  1. Identifying the vacancy, creating job postings, and advertising them on the company career page
  2. scanning and pre-selecting potential job candidates
  3. Creating assessment plans and assessing the same
  4. Interviewing the applicants to assess their personality
  5. Assessing qualifications and completing the job interview
  6. Extending an offer

As you may see the steps are long and when done manually can be quite time-consuming. There’s also the case of prejudice coming to play in selecting the right candidate. And let’s not forget how recruitments can bring other HR related duties to a standstill as the focus must remain entirely on recruiting.  Now, don’t take this the wrong way but the idea of recruitment is not to eliminate HR roles and responsibility but simply to enhance the recruitment process and make it more efficient. Automating your HR recruitment process could

  1. Save time
  2. Avoid missed opportunity to recruit the right candidate
  3. Avoid compliance errors and recruitment delays

Let’s look at what stages of the recruitment process can be improved and made more efficient through automation:

Time management: Time management is the most important reason for automation. The need to hire good talent quickly is the biggest reason why recruitment automation came into existing. Manual resume screening is the most time-consuming part of the recruitment process. Traditionally a lot of time is spent scanning through profiles and shortlisting the right set of applicants. However, technology to address this issues has now become available and is slowly being adopted by many companies. Intelligent screening software automates the resume screening process by learning the job requirements, analysing past recruitment trends, employee skills, experience and more and matching that information with new applicant profiles to shortlist the right set of applicants. Through the automating of this process, a huge amount of time otherwise spent manually completed this step can be avoided. It also helps HR’s focus more on evaluating a candidate’s personality and whether or not he is a cultural fit to the company.

Quicker assessments and evaluation: Another area in the recruitment process that can be optimised by automation is the assessment and evaluation step. Instead of manually going through applicants assessments, companies are now turning to AI software to do it for them. This can help speed up the recruitment process quite a bit too.

Better data management: With recruitment automation, comes better data management. As automation makes most of the data available in one place, it becomes easy for HRs to locate information about any applicant at any point in time during the recruitment process. It also helps provide visibility to interview feedbacks, therefore avoiding the time spent on transferring this information manually to the next interviewer or HR personnel. In addition to this, Automated HR software, now always you to maintain a large database of applicant profiles which can be screened whenever needed to find suitable candidates for a particular job role.

Organized Interview scheduling and coordination: Nowadays, AI recruitment software also provides scope for better interview scheduling and coordination. HR recruitments software can make it easier to schedule interviews by assigning different interviewers to the different interview process. This also helps bridge the communication gap between the HR and the interviewer, while also improving the visibility of the interview process between the interviewers and HR personnel. It also helps keep the process more organized and streamlined.

Improved quality of Hire: During recruitments, your HR team is under tremendous pressure to choose the right candidate. Most often this pressure to complete the recruitment within time can be overbearing and cause your HR team to lose focus, especially during the initial screening process. This increases the possibility of hiring the wrong candidate. With automation, however, Your AI software can be programmed to understand the job requirements, in addition to being able to identify what to look for in an applicant’s profile, thereby picking out only those applicants that match the role and increasing your possibility of getting good quality candidates for the role.

Faster recruitments and onboarding: When most crucial steps of your recruitment processes have been automated, the time spent of them significantly reduces. With automation, you will be able to get new, quality talent onboard faster. Automation not only speeds up the recruitment process but also reduces the onboarding time. With automated documentation and the easy availability of applicant information, companies can extent offices to selected candidates automatically and quickly.

With automation, a huge part of your recruitment process can be optimised to render better recruitment timelines and quality hires. Automation is the gateway to having a more organized recruitment structure and eliminating traditionally hiccups like the gap in communication, poor quality hires, time spent on recruitments and most importantly the pressure on your HR team.

If you’re a company looking to reduce the pressure of recruitment on your HR team, get in touch with us by visiting www.pod.ai. We would love to help you explore the possibilities of recruitment automation and how you can manage the time, cost and quality of your recruitment process more efficiently. To know more, visit https://pod.ai/employers

Dec 03, 2018

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